Configuring your website in FileZilla

This tutorial assumes you already have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server

Now let's learn how to configure a website in FileZilla

Select the File menu

Then select Site Manager

Click New Folder

Enter a name for the new folder here

Click New Site

Now let's configure a new site inside this new folder

Enter a name for the new site here

Enter the name of the Host here

Select Normal for the logon type

Enter the User name here

Enter the Password here

Then click Connect

That's it! We are now connected the remote server and the login details are saved for quicker connections in the future

Now let's disconnect from the server

Click Server

Then click Disconnect

This is the end of the tutorial. You should now know how to configure a website in FileZilla, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection

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