Absolute Hosting provides Lets Encrypt Certificates on an as is basis and with absolutely no support.

These free ssl certificates can be installed on your website via many of the control panels that are available across our various hosting packages.

As is with most things in life that are free, there are limitations that apply and in this instance it is support.

In the event that you experience an issue with the installation or renewal of your Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate You will need to resolve these issues yourself.

We do not install or renew free SSL certificates as these steps are well documented within our knowledge base articles and in most cases sent to you within your Service Activation Email.

Should your website require an SSL Certificate we recommend purchasing a commercial ssl certificate which includes, support and free installation.

Alternatively remove the free ssl from your website and try re-issue later.

Please do not contact us and request assistance with installation or renewal of your free SSL as we do not provide any support, they are provided as is.

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