If you would like to make use of an external mail service such as Google it would be required that specific MX records are created for your domain in order to connect to the mail service. 

Follow the below steps to easily set the required Google Suite MX records for your domain name. 


  • Log into your DirectAdmin control panel.

absolutehosting.co.za DirectAdmin login

  • Click on DNS Management

absolutehosting.co.za directadmin dns management

  • Click on Modify MX Records

absolutehosting.co.za - modify mx records

  • Under Options, untick "Use this server to handle my e-mails. If not, change the MX records and uncheck this option."
  • Within the MX Template dropdown menu, select "Google Suite MX"

absolutehosting.co.za - google suite mx1

  • Click the green Save button. 

You have now successfully created the below MX records required to make use of Google's external mail services. 


absolutehosting.co.za - google mx records

Please allow between 1 and 24 hours for DNS to propagate fully.

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