This guide will walk you through how to change the PHP version for your website and change specific PHP extensions/options should you need to do so. DirectAdmin login

  • Use the drop down menu to the right to select the website you are working on if you have multiple websites created in your control panel. directadmin domain selection

  • Under the Extra Features section click on the Select PHP Version icon. select php version

  • Use the PHP Version drop down menu to select the version of PHP you require. PHP version select

  • Select the specific extensions for PHP that you would like enabled or disabled for your website then click on Set As Current. php extension select

  • You can also change the  PHP options for the selected version by clicking on the Switch to PHP Options button near the top right. php options

  • On the PHP Options page you are able to change options such as post_max_size or upload_max_filesize etc. NOTE : changes made in this section are automatically saved. php options selection

These options will allow you to customize your PHP selection as needed for your website.

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