The settings listed below will assist you in using the correct SMTP settings for your websites or web applications hosted on our Windows Web Hosting Servers.

SMTP Settings for websites or web applications that support SMTP Authentication / TLS / SSL

If your website or web application supports SMTP authentication then use a valid email account on a mail domain that is hosted on our shared email servers along a username and password.
The following knowledge base article explains how to identify the correct mail server to use and the recommended ports - Server settings used for incoming and outgoing email accounts

Note : You must send from a valid mailbox and have the return address set the the same domain name. The knowledge base article 550 From domain must match authenticated domain explains this in greater detail.

SMTP Settings for websites or web applications that do not support SMTP Authentication

If your websites or web applications do not support SMTP authentication or if you wish to relay mail as an external mail domain then use as your SMTP server without authentication.

Note : You may not use any of the email servers for bulk mail / marketing etc. Bulk email must be delivered via our dedicated Bulk SMTP Servers along with a Bulk SMTP Service

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