This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new email account on your Email Only Hosting Package

  1. Log into your Client Services Area

    Absolute Hosting Client Service Login

  2. Click on the Services icon.

    Absolute Hosting Client Services

  3. Click on the Active button for your Email Only Hosting package.

    Absolute Hosting Email Only Hosting Service

  4. On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Email Management Section and click the Email Accounts icon

    Absolute Hosting Email Accounts

  5. On the Email Accounts page, click the Create Account button.

  6. Enter in the new email account name + password on the Create Account window along with any mailbox quota limits and click Create

    Absolute Hosting Create New Email Account

You can now log into the new email account via webmail or setup your mail application to connect to the email account on the server that hosts your Email Only Hosting Package

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